Kegel Weights

  1. First, find the kegel weight appropriate for your current level of strength. Typically it’s a good idea to start with the lightest weight if there are multiple weights in your set
  2. Make sure it is clean and dry and insert the weight into the vagina so that it is all the way in with the exception of the string for removal
  3. You can start by using the weights in lying down and focusing on kegeling up and in, trying to draw the weight up towards your belly button. Try and keep the muscles on the outside of your body, especially the muscles on the inside of your thighs and buttocks, quiet.
  4. Once you feel comfortable with this motion, see if you can repeat it in standing. If you are concerned about the weight hitting the floor, you can wear underwear while using the kegel weights. Make sure your underwear isn’t what is holding your pelvic weight in though! It should only act as a net to catch the weight should it fall.
  5. As you find yourself able to hold the weight in standing, see if you can move while keeping the weight in. Once you get good at this, it can be an easy way to multitask and get your kegel exercises in while also getting things done around the house or getting ready in the morning!
  6. A good goal is to use the weights for about 15 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week.
  7. As you get stronger, progress up in weight if there are multiple weights in your set.