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Identifying Functional Constipation
While constipation is a common and serious problem affecting our wellbeing, conversations surrounding constipation often remain inadequate to put it mildly. Knowing where to begin in resolving constipation and keeping bowels regular going forward can feel confusing and overwhelming. To get started, it’s important to know what constipation actually looks like and how to identify… Read more
Constipation and Bladder Leaks
While it may seem a bit confusing at first, one of the most common reasons why kids experience bladder leaks (aka urinary incontinence or enuresis) is because of constipation. Read more
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Pelvic Health
Pelvic floor therapy fits seamlessly into all things occupational therapy. This niche area of practice addresses the fundamental aspects of daily living, particularly toileting, sexual function and intimacy, and addressing overall quality of life. According to the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF-4), activities like sexual intimacy and toileting are considered Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).… Read more
Cores and Pelvic Floors: Strengthening for Kids to Reduce Leaks
One of the best ways of helping your kiddo address their urinary or bowel leaks is to target core strength. When we talk about the “core”, we are referencing four muscle groups: the pelvic floor, back muscles, the diaphragm, and abdominal muscles. These four groups work together to build and control pressure in the abdomen… Read more
The Admittedly Confusing World of Prostatitis and the Pelvic Floor
One of the consequences of not talking about pelvic health as a key component of broader men’s health, is delayed seeking of care and a higher risk of overlooking treatable conditions. For chronic pelvic pain issues, the search for a diagnosis and helpful treatment plan can be confusing to put it mildly. It can be… Read more
Vaginoplasty Tips & Tricks
Preparing for surgery and beyond can be overwhelming and honestly, scary. In addition to asking all the questions, it can be helpful to have a short list of pre- and post-surgical tips and tricks on hand to help you navigate this life changing event from the perspective of a pelvic floor physical therapist. Read more
Spoiler Alert: Sex Should NOT Hurt
Access to sex education is notoriously inadequate, but even if we disregard the limited scope and availability already present, there’s one element that, while seemingly simple, rarely gets any airtime in the sex ed conversations we are having. It’s a topic that can affect people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. It’s a topic… Read more
The Importance of Prehab for Vaginoplasties
We’re going to talk more soon about pelvic health care after bottom surgery, but let’s first take some time to discuss the benefits of working with a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist before your surgery. For this article we will be focusing on vaginoplasty, the surgical creation of an internal canal from penis, colon, peritoneum, or… Read more
Diaphragmatic Breathing and the Pelvic Floor
The diaphragm and the pelvic floor are designed to function as a team to regulate pressure in our abdomen and give us stability as we move. When you take a deep breath, the diaphragm moves down towards the pelvic floor, allowing the lungs to expand. At the same time, the pelvic floor mirrors the diaphragm’s motion… Read more
The Importance of Care After C-Section
The single most common surgery in the United States is Cesarean section. They are so common that we might forget that C sections are major abdominal surgeries. During C sections though, the OB GYN cuts through a startling SEVEN layers of tissue to achieve surgical delivery. While we have robust protocols in place for other… Read more