Let’s Talk Pelvic Health

  • Vaginoplasty Tips & Tricks

    Vaginoplasty Tips & Tricks

    Preparing for surgery and beyond can be overwhelming and honestly, scary. In addition to asking all the questions, it can be helpful to have a short list of pre- and post-surgical tips and tricks on hand to help you navigate this life changing event from the perspective of a pelvic floor physical therapist.

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  • Spoiler Alert: Sex Should NOT Hurt

    Spoiler Alert: Sex Should NOT Hurt

    Access to sex education is notoriously inadequate, but even if we disregard the limited scope and availability already present, there’s one element that, while seemingly simple, rarely gets any airtime in the sex ed conversations we are having. It’s a topic that can affect people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. It’s a topic…

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  • The Importance of Prehab for Vaginoplasties

    The Importance of Prehab for Vaginoplasties

    We’re going to talk more soon about pelvic health care after bottom surgery, but let’s first take some time to discuss the benefits of working with a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist before your surgery. For this article we will be focusing on vaginoplasty, the surgical creation of an internal canal from penis, colon, peritoneum, or…

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  • Diaphragmatic Breathing and the Pelvic Floor

    Diaphragmatic Breathing and the Pelvic Floor

    The diaphragm and the pelvic floor are designed to function as a team to regulate pressure in our abdomen and give us stability as we move. When you take a deep breath, the diaphragm moves down towards the pelvic floor, allowing the lungs to expand. At the same time, the pelvic floor mirrors the diaphragm’s motion…

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  • The Importance of Care After C-Section

    The Importance of Care After C-Section

    The single most common surgery in the United States is Cesarean section. They are so common that we might forget that C sections are major abdominal surgeries. During C sections though, the OB GYN cuts through a startling SEVEN layers of tissue to achieve surgical delivery. While we have robust protocols in place for other…

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