Pelvic health is our passion.

Access is our goal.

Our Team

The Pelvic Health Fund was founded by a team of healthcare providers who believe that quality pelvic health products should be accessible for everyone.

Our mission is to provide equal access to quality pelvic health supplies and support to ensure improved healthcare outcomes and quality of life.

Too often seemingly simple healthcare resources are out of reach because of individuals’ inability to afford quality products. Pelvic health tools, such as dilators, pelvic wands, support belts, and toileting supplies, can be cost prohibitive. Without proper access to these supplies, long term health and quality of life can be severely impacted. We seek to change this. Pelvic health is critical for so many elements of our daily lives, whether it be bowel and bladder function, ability to participate in sexual activity, or the capacity to complete daily activities without pain or fear of injury. Pelvic health matters and we want to make sure lack of funds doesn’t stand in the way of anyone achieving their pelvic health goals.

Learn more about the common products we provide here.

Learn more about pelvic health by visiting our blog.

To reach us, please contact us here.